Technical Manpower Supplying

Our technical manpower supply grants you access to suitably trained, qualified and experienced engineers for onshore and offshore service. Seeking technical manpower supply, primed to mobilize at short notice and undertake a variety of roles in the industry, can be essential to maintain smooth and seamless production.

The opportune intervention of experienced engineers before and during any project is crucial for maximizing productivity, time, safety and cost-efficiency. With dependability and the suitability of technical manpower supply being key to your operational continuity, you need a partner you can rely on to respond to your needs and deliver a quality service.

Our technical manpower supply capabilities include the posting of consultants, skilled engineers, who can operate on both a permanent and ad-hoc basis. Prepared for service at short notice, they are available to undertake both onshore and offshore roles. Utilizing our technical manpower supply to tackle your ongoing and short-notice proficiency gaps provides assurance that world-class knowledge and suitably skilled engineers & technicians are enhancing your project operations.

Our team of engineers “on demand”:

  • RBI Engineers
  • Corrosion Engineers
  • Project Managers/Engineers
  • Construction Managers/Engineers
  • Civil, Structural, Mechanical, E&I Engineers
  • QA/QC Managers/Engineers/Inspectors

Our Associated Companies:

Index Lab & Consultants, India

Thermax Limited, India